Entering Data

How to enter data into Datograde

You can use Datograde as a powerful data entry tool.


  • Examples to feed into generative AI models.
  • Existing content and data
  • List of initial topics e.g. cities that you serve, Fortune 100 annual reports

Google sheet alternative for data entry

You can create data tables by using the Table view in a Collection. In this sense, every entry is a ‘row’ in Google Sheets, every field is a column.

Get the same editing experience as you do on Sheets or Excel: add rows, add columns, copy/paste content.

As we focus on building datasets, and not a general purpose spreadsheet tool, you can

  • Check that every column contains values that you are expecting, in terms of data type, empty and malformed values
  • Control who can view, comment, and edit specific rows and columns

How to effectively enter data

Creating a collection

  1. From your account screen, or the collections screen, you can click New Collection to create a new collection.
  2. Click New to create a blank collection.
  3. Follow instructions to add the fields in this collection. For example, if you are building a review of CRM tools, you can have ‘vendor’, ‘website’, ‘target market’, ‘description’, etc.
  4. When you are done, switch to the Table view to see your new collection.

Add an entry

Press Add Entry to create a new empty entry.

Entering data

Click any cell in the table view to enter data, just like you would in Google Sheets or Excel. You can also press the expand button to go into single entry mode, which enables you to edit every entry in your collection in a Notion like interface.

Saving data

Any new data and edits you make, you will see a notification that there are changes in your collection. Click Save to save these changes into your database.

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